What Would A Sucker Do? Part 7

If you look around the room and don’t see any suckers….YOU are the sucker!


You are playing 8-ball and have solids here with ball-in-hand. What do you do?

Idea #1: “Hit it really hard and call something somewhere!”

Idea #2: “Combination shot!”

Idea #3: “Bank one of them in!”



Why aren’t these the best ideas?

Idea #1: It is very unlikely that you will pocket a ball let alone guess where it will go. Idea #2: Combination shots are often unreliable, especially when they are far from the pocket and not lined up or “wired” to the pocket. Idea #3: Bank shots are also an unreliable, low-percentage option.



Although it is tempting to try to run out when given ball in hand, circumstances may not allow that. In this case, there is a very simple and powerful safety hidden in the mess. Play a stop shot behind the cluster while breaking out one ball, taking care not to run into the other balls and possibly selling out. This leaves your opponent a very tough kick shot on the 8-ball, with little chance of winning OR leaving you safe. Now when it is your turn at the table, you will have the option to run out or play another safe. Either way, you have maintained control of the table and your opponent is left to wait for your next devious move.